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Fitting Software - GDPR


Concept development - UX writing - User testing - icon design


European legislation about GDPR is is challenging a lot of companies when it comes to obtaining clients consent. 

At Widex data about the hearing instrument and the use of it is a vital part of developing artificial intelligence solutions for the future. But when being a supplier, you often need your reseller to convince the customer to give consent. Something that might not be in the direct interest of the reseller and personal data can often be a awkward topic. 


To overcome this challenge I decided to base our solution on the following values: Total transparency (nothing is hidden in small print or legal terms), Communicate like a human (even though its in writing and on a machine, we "talk" to the use as if we are face to face) and Clear and Concise (it has to be an easy and quick task for the reseller to even consider doing it). 


Thousand of details, legal difficulties and technical obstacles was a part of this task and even though the result is simple, telling the story about the journey to achieving this complicated and long. Surprisingly it was one of the tasks I am most proud of today and if you want to hear the story, just let me know.

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